Wednesday, December 2, 2009


The harm inflicted by Global Warming

As the world has talked for a dozen years about what to do next, new ship passages opened through the once-frozen summer sea ice of the Arctic. InGreenland and Artartica, ice sheets have lost trillions of tons of ice. Mountain glaciers in Europe, South America, Asia and Africa are shrinking faster than before. And it's not just the frozen parts of the world that have felt the heat in the dozen years leading up to next week's climate summit in Copenhagen : The world's oceans have rizen by about 3.7cm > Droughts and wildfires have turned more severe worldwide, from US West to Australia to the Sehel desert of North Africa. > Species now in trouble because of changing climate include not just the lumbering polar bear which has become a symbol of global warming, but also fragile butterflies, colour frogs and entire stands of North American pine forests.> Temperatures over the past 12 years are 0.4% warmer than the dozen years leading up to 1997. Even the gloomest climate models back in the 1900s didnt forecast results quite this bad so fast. "The latest science is telling us we are in more trouble that we thought" said Janos Pasztor, climate adviser to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. And here's why : since an agreement to reduce greenhouse gas pollution was signed in Kyoto, Japan, in December 1997, the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air has increased 6.5%. Officials from across the world will convene in Copenhagen to seen a follow-up pact. The last effort didn't quite get the anticipated results. From 1997 to 2008, the world CO2 emmisions of this greenhouse gas rose 3.7%. Emmisions from China, now the biggest producer of this pollution, have more that doubled in that period.  Think about it !

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