Tuesday, November 10, 2009



Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphin in seventeen genera. They vary in size from 1.2m and 40kg, up to 9.5m and 10 tonnes. They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. Dolphins are among the most inteligent animals and their often friendly apperance and seemingly playful attitude have made them popular in human culture. Pesticides, heavy metals, plastics, and other industrial and agricultural pollutants that do not disintegrate rapidly in the environment concentrate in predators including dolphin from their prey. Injuries or deaths due to collisions with boats, especially their propellers are also common. In some parts of the world such as Taiji in Japan and the Farqe Islands, dolphins are traditionally considered as food, and killed in harpoons or drive hunts. Dolphin meat is high in mercury and may thus pose a health danger to humans when consumed. Scientist are not certain about the purpose(s) of the acrobatics. Possibilities include locating schools of fish by looking at above-water signs like feeding birds, communicating with other dolphins, dislodging parasites or simple ammusement.

Natural Wonders - In today's fast paced world, many of us do not have time to make our own fresh fruit juices. Fortunately, there are premium fruit juices available that are not only delicious but also healthy. Lakewood takes pride in producing a line of fresh-pressed 100% pure premium organic juices, with no additives or artificial ingredients of any kind. The process of making Lakewood juices follows strict guidelines and regulations in order to get the best juices for consumers. Modern medical research has also indicated that cranberries are an excellent source of antioxidants and may help protect against cancer, heart disease and other ailments. Researchers found that men who have undergone treatment for localised prostate cancer could benefit from drinking pomegranate juice. Phytonutrients found in apples act as natural antioxidants helping to slow the oxidation process and the build-up of plaque which can lead to coronary problems. For more insight information of organic nutrients juices please visit http://www.radiantwholefood.com.my/.

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